Kundalini has already been apart even before I was able to come across it. It was seeking me as my soul was seeking it. Kundalini has empowered as the women I truly didn’t know I was. It helped me open myself day by day as the Mother of many but, also gave me sisterhood amongst many other women that I truly did not have in my life. The container of women creates another tool of expansion by practicing together which only makes the benefits of the practice so much more. Embark in a session with me and change your DNA one day at a time.

My Offerings

  • Private Session $55

    1:1 Private Kundalini Practice that can specified to any focus of your choosing from health focus, prosperity, grounding.

    *Travel fees may be applied based on distance

  • Group Sessions $150+

    A session amongst others usually in a corporate, event, personal space.

    *Please look out for free Community classes monthly*

  • 40 Day Practice $111

    40 day practice focused on a certain area of your choice.

    It takes 40 days to change a habit. Within the 40 days you will focus on the same meditation or kriya throughout the 40 days and explore the changes that happen within.

    We will have weekly check in and videos to follow along throughout the 40 days.

  • Intuitive Guidance $100

    I will work with you through the use of tarot and Kundalini 40 day practice to guide you to the best you that is already within. You will have weekly check in, setting a vision, as well as steps towards your highest self, journal prompts while included in the guidance of the cards and your yoga practice.